Use This Tarot Spread to Get Past Depression

Use This Tarot Spread to Get Past Depression

tarot spread for depression

Depression can be a debilitating and overwhelming experience, and sometimes it can be hard to know what steps to take to move forward. One tool that can help is tarot cards. While tarot cards are not a replacement for therapy, they can provide guidance and insight into your situation, helping you to gain clarity and perspective. In this blog post, we’ll explore a tarot spread that can help you get past depression.

Card One: What is Holding You Back

The first card in this tarot spread represents what is holding you back. This card will help you to identify the underlying issues that are contributing to your depression. It could be a fear, a limiting belief, or a past trauma. Whatever it is, this card will help you to bring it to the surface so that you can start to work through it.

Card Two: What You Are Capable of

The second card in this tarot spread represents what you are capable of. This card will help you to see your strengths and your potential. It will remind you that even though you are struggling right now, you are still a capable and powerful person. This card can be a source of inspiration and motivation as you work through your depression.

Card Three: What Step You Should Take First

The third card in this tarot spread represents the first step you should take to move forward. This card will provide guidance on what action you should take to start making progress. It could be a small step, like reaching out to a friend for support, or a bigger step, like seeking professional help. Whatever it is, this card will help you to see what you need to do next.

Card Four: Who Can Help

The fourth and final card in this tarot spread represents who can help you. This card will help you to see the people in your life who can support you as you work through your depression. It could be a friend, a family member, or a professional. This card will remind you that you don’t have to do this alone and that there are people who care about you and want to help.

Find More Tarot Spreads Online

Are you looking for even more Tarot Spreads? Check out for tons of helpful spreads for all sorts of questions.

Need Individual Guidance? Book a Reading with Tarot Support

If you’re struggling with depression and need guidance, consider booking a tarot reading with Tarot Support. Our experienced readers can provide insight and support as you work through your challenges. We offer a range of reading options, including phone, email, and video readings, so you can choose the option that works best for you.

Remember, depression is a difficult experience, but it’s not something that you have to face alone. With the help of tarot cards and the support of those around you, you can get past depression and start living a fulfilling life.


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